Waterbear Competition
So I follow Rob Chapman and all the Andertons guys, so when I saw he was sponsoring a competition where you were only aloud to play 52 notes over a backing track I was excited to say the least.
The idea seemed like a winner to me, 52 notes to play as musically as you can. Of course you could shred, but because the note limitations if you did you would run out of notes in 10 seconds and that didn’t seem like the right approach.
Because of my overwhelming excitement I couldn’t wait (for my 1 year old to wake up) to get started so I cranked up Garageband and played the whole thing straight into the audio interface. For more details on the recording look below
Us Stratocaster
Custom Radio Shop Chris Buck I:D pickups
Strymon Compressor
JHS Clone
GarageBand with the Britsh Clean Amp sim