Author: nickburson

Grey Guitars Emperor

So I guess this journey started when I got my latest Fender Stratocaster, I loved the idea of playing on an iconic guitar but after using it for a few gigs I found myself cursing a few little issues. One being the pickups and the other the bridge. I hated the two point floating trem,…

By nickburson July 22, 2019 Off

Tone Is In Your Fingers

So this video started with me procrastinating videos I should be posting. I had been lent about 8 overdrive pedals and a different switching system for demo. I had my Boss es-5 video that I have been thinking about doing for about 6 months and I have been working on a 5 easy pentatonic licks…

By nickburson July 11, 2019 Off

Line 6 M5 The Ultimate Utility Pedal

The story behind the M5 is quite simple really I owned a Strymon Mobius a had been gigging with it for about 3 years when I (my singer) decided I needed a smaller footprint on my pedalboard. So it was time to down size my old board being 40 by 65 I was looking to…

By nickburson June 30, 2019 Off

JHS Double Barrel

Backing track link at bottom of page So it feel like this video has been a long time coming. I’m sure most of you, my readers, out there know that I have been playing in a covers band around Christchurch for the last 8 years. We cover music ranging from Elvis to Metallica but most…

By nickburson June 19, 2019 Off

I Shot The Sheriff

About 4 months back I watched a video on youtube with Johnny Hiland after that I became interested in using Chicken Pickin. Although in that 4 months my band has played lots of gigs I have been struggling to fit any Chicken Pickin in, when in live situations. So I sat down and made myself…

By nickburson June 3, 2019 Off

Old Town Road/ Amplitube 4 Review

The Journey for Silent recording tones. First let me start by saying that I downloaded the free version of Amplitube which was Amplitube 4 with heaps of patches not available, or Amplitube Custom shop I don’t know, the are probably the same thing. The idea was take a listen to some of the basic tones…

By nickburson May 30, 2019 Off

The Best Strat Pickups Ever?!

Radioshop Id Chris Buck Pickups with custom 9.5 inch radius This journey all started when I bought my American strat. It was the guitar I had always wanted and it sounded great in the store. However when I got it into the band situation, I found myself very underwhelmed. The 2 and 4 positions were…

By nickburson May 27, 2019 Off

Waterbear Competition

So I follow Rob Chapman and all the Andertons guys, so when I saw he was sponsoring a competition where you were only aloud to play 52 notes over a backing track I was excited to say the least. The idea seemed like a winner to me, 52 notes to play as musically as you…

By nickburson May 25, 2019 Off

Welcome to Nick Burson Music

Welcome to the home of Nick Burson Music So who I am I ? I am a 30 something year old Guitarist, Singer/songwriter, Sax player living in Christchurch New Zealand. I currently play semi professionally with a band (Ctrl Alt Rock) but have spend years of my life living off my guitar. I finished my…

By nickburson May 22, 2019 333